AJ Joehl

Hometown: Dallas, TX
Joined The Big Muddy in 2023

Amelia Jane "AJ" Joehl (she/her, Dallas, TX) trained, competed, and performed as a company member at Dance Industry Performing Arts Center. AJ recently graduated with a BFA in Dance from the USC Glorya Kaufman School of Dance. During her time there, she had the opportunity to explore movement ideas with William Forsythe, Jermaine Spivey, and Barak Marshall, as well as the ability to perform repertoire from choreographers such as Jiří Kylián, Ohad Naharin, and Kyle Abraham. Along with her collegiate training, AJ has also attended various intensives such as Orsolina28 and Chuthis Movement Intensive, where she was exposed to works by renowned artists Marco Geocke and Peter Chu. This is AJ's first year with the Big Muddy Dance Company, and she is thrilled and honored to be a part of the Becoming season.